

Monday, September 15, 2014

Melina's Talk 9/14/14 - Agency and Accountability

Robert D. Hales said: “Agency used righteously allows light to dispel the darkness and enables us to live with joy and happiness.” Agency and accountability are gifts from God that help us progress toward everlasting joy. So how can we use our agency righteously to partake of happiness and joy?

Second Nephi 2:26 says: “And the messiah cometh in the fullness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.” The line that really stands out to me is: “free to act for themselves and not to be acted upon.” When I read this line it reminded me of a quote I read given by M. Russell Ballard in 1983. He advised us to be creators of circumstance and not creatures of circumstance. To me this means that I need to be productive with the choices I make; I need to use my agency to progress spiritually and temporally. Not only can we choose how we will react to circumstances, but in many cases we can also influence what circumstances we get into. When we make righteous choices our freedom to progress increases. This means that, we can become closer to our Heavenly Father and attain joy. Someone who is a “creature of circumstance” is trapped without the freedom to progress because they have allowed temptation or tragedy or even just tough trials to prevent them from actively seeking to make the choices and changes that will bring them lasting happiness. Something we can ask ourselves is: ‘Am I choosing to let passivity to my surroundings stifle my progression toward Christ? Or am I actively using my agency to create an environment in which I can become more like Christ?’ I had a friend in high school that would constantly come to me to complain. I knew she needed a friend so I listened to her and tried my best to comfort her. Soon her complaints turned into verbal abuse toward me. She would call me unkind names and tell me that I would never understand because I had everything so good. I started to apologize to her because I knew she was struggling and I didn’t want her to be mad at me, soon my apologies turned into begging her for forgiveness for things I knew I had never done. I was stressed out and upset. This affected the way I treated my family at home and the amount of sleep I was getting. I allowed myself to be a creature of circumstance; instead of promptly trying to find a solution to this, I encouraged unkindness by bowing down to it. What I should have done earlier that I eventually did, was talked to my parents and gotten help instead of trying so fruitlessly to please someone at the expense of my health and relationships with family members. I didn’t create for myself an uplifting environment. In contrast, I was a “creator of circumstance” in the choices I made with my school work. My sophomore year of high school, I had an infamously difficult honors English teacher. She was very stingy with the B’s she gave out anytime someone got an A on any assignment, essay, or test it was a miracle. Halfway through the first semester many of my classmates had given up on her class. I did not give up. I went in for extra help from her several times a week and I spent hours on every assignment. I gave up a good portion of winter, mid-winter, and spring break to study for her class. My efforts paid off in the end and I received an A in her class. Junior year was even more of a struggle; I took more difficult classes and participated in more extra-curricular activities. I would be up at 1 or 2am still doing homework and shivering in a 70 degree house because my body was too exhausted to keep itself warm. I was able to rise to the challenge and make the study choices that would form the habits that would lead me to receive A’s. I never gave in to the temptation to skip an assignment or do less than my best on an essay or inadequately prepare for a test. When it came time to apply for colleges I had used my agency to become a “creator” of freedom. I had the freedom to choose to apply for and attend any college that I wanted to. This allowed me to choose a university that would let me to defer attendance for a mission, making it much easier for me to serve a mission. Being a creator of circumstance is a useful skill for a missionary to have. Missionaries have to choose to act in obedience to the mission rules and choose to devote their entire efforts to the work instead of letting their circumstance get the better of them.

                In the October 2010 Ensign Robert D. Hales said that “agency is to act with accountability and responsibility.” This means that we need to be ready to take ownership of our actions and their consequences. Each action has a consequence that can draw us nearer or push us further away from our Heavenly Father. I have strived to use my agency to strengthen my relationship with God. Accountability isn’t only about considering and owning consequences, but it is also related to keeping commitments and promises. How can we remember to consider whether or not each action and each commitment we make will bring us closer to God? I attended four years of seminary. This is a before school gospel study class that meets at 6am. I was committed to the class and I knew that the things that we studied in seminary would bless my life. I was never late to seminary once all four years. This meant that I had to leave my house by 5:40 every morning. Sophomore Year my seminary teachers challenged us to be to class five minutes early so we could be unrushed and spiritually prepared to learn. Most days I was five minutes early. I knew this was an important part of my life so I choose to take my commitment seriously. One night I forgot to set my alarm so I woke up at 5:38, brushed my teeth and was in the car by 5:40 to be to class on time. As a consequence for my choice to take seminary seriously, I was able to feel the spirit every morning and learn more about the scriptures and gospel principles that shape my life and draw me closer to my Heavenly Father. My accountability to seminary attendance will be a blessing for me on my mission. The scriptures I have memorized and studied, the spirit I have felt, and the gospel principles I have learned will be available for me to share and teach others while I serve. I will also be able to be accountable for my actions while I am on my mission and be fully committed to serve.

                In Abraham 3:24-25 Jesus Christ tells God: “We will go down, for there is space there and we will take of these materials, and we will make an earth whereon these may dwell; And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.” This reveals to us that the purpose of our lives on earth is to prove to our Heavenly Father that we will obey him. We can prove our love, devotion, and true conversion to God by choosing to do his will and live righteously through our actions. The Holy Ghost or the spirit, scriptures, and modern day prophets can guide us so we know God’s will for us personally and individually. Once we pray and study to find what God would have us do, we can use our agency to choose righteously. As girls do not have the same responsibility or pressure put on them to serve a mission I had to choose between two good options: starting college right away or going on a mission. I had to pray, study it out, weigh the consequences of both choices, make a decision, and pray again and again to be sure a mission was the right choice for me. Serving a mission is part of how I can prove to my Heavenly Father that I love Him and am willing to serve him and put his will above anything else. When I serve a mission I will choose to live on God’s agenda completely for 18 months. The cool thing about it is that it is for my own good to live on His agenda rather than my own agenda. Heavenly Father knows what is best for each of His children because He knows each and every one of us personally. When I ask investigators to live God’s commandments, I will be inviting them to use their agency to show true conversion to the Lord. Without freedom of choice--whether or not to follow Christ—we wouldn’t be able to demonstrate our conversion to the Lord.

                Agency and accountability facilitate progression when we choose to be “creators of circumstance” and own up to the consequences of every action while keeping the commitments that will bring us closer to God and more like the Savior. Lastly, the way we use our agency and accountability is how we prove to our Heavenly Father that we are devoted to him, which will lead us to salvation. So to answer the question: ‘how can we use our agency to experience happiness and joy’—we actively use agency to create joyful circumstances by being accountable to God’s will. This is my testimony, I know that we have the power to choose eternal life and choose to return to our Father in Heaven after this life. We are all God’s beloved children and we have royal potential. On my mission I hope through the spirit to teach others the essential knowledge that will help them make the right choices that will bring them to closer to Christ through His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. I want to thank my family, friends, and all of the teachers in my own life that have led me to my own testimony and righteous choices. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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