Hey y'all!!
Jessica is getting baptized in Nac this Saturday at
1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be skyping in for it!!!!!!!!!!!
This has been a great week! Probably the calmest week this transfer
will have seeing as we will start exchanges next week! I got to train
in our Zone meeting with the Zone Leaders about the mission goals,
that was fun! I love that our mission is so goal oriented!
On Saturday morning we met with our investigators, Seth and Lillian
and Lillian's sister, Samantha! They are all from Kenya! They are so
sweet and have such real intent! They really want to know if our
message is true. Seth is going to Kenya for a month for a funeral so I
probably won't see him again! But Lillian and Samantha still want to
meet and Seth wants to meet missionaries in Kenya until he gets back!
Courtney came to church again with her husband Christian! She is
making friends with a lot of the members and is progressing well!!!
We had 10 people from our focus 20 list at church yesterday!!! And in
addition to that 2 members brought friends to church that they
introduced to us and want us to teach!!! In the 6th Ward our gospel
principles class was so full of investigators, less actives, and their
fellow-shippers so we had to find a bigger room!!! It was a miracle!
The best problem to have! We are getting member referrals left and
right! Members are texting us with their friends that they want us to
meet! It's truly amazing! Allen has never had so many referrals!
We visited sister Lively this week again and she pulled out her boxes
of pictures, she was so excited to show us a picture of baptism! We
kept looking at it and something seemed wrong. Maybe it was the robes
they were wearing or even just the fact that there was a picture taken
of an ordinance. We kept questioning it and found out it was her
baptist baptism from a few years before her LDS baptism! She is so
cute and funny! Her memory is going a little! But she came to church
this week! And she wants to prepare for the temple!
On Tuesday it was raining hard! We really wanted to see a less active
that we had never been able to contact and finally a member was able
to invite her over for lunch and she invited us to come meet her! We
really wanted to get there, but it was really raining and sister
Johnson got a flat tire, but we kept going. We eventually got there
soaked and looking like crazy women! Who goes out on a bike in a dress
and in the downpour of rain?! That would be us! :) it was totally
worth it! We had a great lesson with Sister Snyder!
We are about to get crazy busy! We have exchanges with 10 sisters and
I get to spend time with each one. One of the exchanges needs to be
two days because one of them is a new missionary and I am supposed to
do new missionary follow up with her as well as my trainee. On
exchanges we are also having to double plan our area because we have
been instructed to double work the leaders area as our area is
supposed to be an example. I am so excited to have this chance to
sprint to the end! It will feel so good to finish up working hard! I
love getting to know all of these sisters and seeing their examples!
I am still ponderizing my patriarchal blessing for this week and for
the rest of the transfer probably! I am excited as it helps me to
understand what goals I need to set and helps to form the vision I
need for the rest of my mission and beyond.
Sister Jones
Crazy women (or maybe just dorky!)
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