

Monday, December 1, 2014

Plenty to be thankful for

Hey y'all! 
I received some great letters that made my week! (thank you weights, both grandmas, and mom) I Also got a packet full of notes from some of my favorite high schoolers! Some of the students from the special education class sent me notes that made me smile! =D Thanks Morgan Larson for getting those to me!!!!!!!!!! If you want to know how happy I was, just ask my companions.
So Sister Kerr, Sister Greenall and I had this master plan to get up at 4am on black Friday and go contact the mobs of shoppers. We even got permission to get up and leave early to do it. We got out there and found that we had a flat tire and then when we fixed the tire and got to the shopping areas there was no one there!!! people around here must not be very materialistic! We talked to one person before we headed back to our apartment and slept another 30 minutes and re-started the day. =P That one person must have really needed the card we gave them. 
That night there was a Christmas lighting ceremony in the park across the street from us and we went and talked to 339 people in that one day making our weekly contacts number 549!!!!!! That has to break some kind of record besides just my personal record. =) People are so much more receptive to the message around Christmas time, especially when we share He is the Gift (#heisthegift, christmas.mormon.org
We had a super awkward and funny lesson the other day. Sister Kerr compared the Book of Mormon to a cake (you have to try it to know it is good) and then Sister Greenall compared the frosting on a cake to something else and then I compared prayer to a sandwich (Three basic parts to a prayer) and then the investigator asked if we were hungry and then sister Greenall said "no, we are just on a roll!" 
Hal passed his baptismal interview!!! If all goes as planned it will happen this Saturday and it will be my first baptism!
Also we were let in a door while tracting for the first time on my mission! The couple was from southern Germany and they had really cool accents! 
The picture is of our commissary. We wrapped all of our Book of Mormons and pamphlets to give out as Christmas gifts! 
Sister Melina Lillie Jones
What can I give him, poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb;
if I were a Wise Man, I would do my part;
yet what I can I give him:  give my heart.

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