
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
No hanky panky!
Hey y'all!
Tomorrow I get a new companion out here in Nac-a-no-where! Hopefully
it's not too hard of a culture shock on her!
Jessica: still struggles coming to church. She will be baptized I have
no doubts, it's just a question of when!
Don: is still progressing!
We had zone conferences on Thursday. The Gilmer, Tyler and Longview
zones were combined. Sister Ricks and I gave a training about the new
Christmas initiative coming out soon and how we can help the members
to use it to introduce their friends to us in their homes. We had lots
of fun planning it, we even played Christmas charades at the end!
On Friday we sang for the seniors at the Alzheimer Center with the
Spanish Elders. We all sang together in the bleak midwinter, and I got
to sing Believe from the polar express.
In Ward counsel we were telling the bishop that Ruth and Don are just
roommates and that they are not dating. Our WML said "there's no hanky
panky, just Ruth Stahnke." Then about 10 minutes later we were talking
about families in the Ward that could use some help this Christmas and
we mentioned Ruth and the bishop said he'd rather stick with families
with children and Brother Cox said "we could give her a blanky." We
were all just cracking up as it came out of his mouth so naturally and
without expression!
I just finished memorizing the family proclamation and I am sure those
words that are now imprinted into my brain will be a huge blessing now
and in the coming years!
Hope y'all have a wonderful thanksgiving!
I am grateful to be here out in the country of East Texas! I am
grateful for the humility and patience I have learned here, as well as
how to relax and take life slower! I am grateful for the personality
of Nacogdoches and all the blessed people we work with and love! I am
so thankful for my last three transfers with sister Ricks! She has
been a strong and positive influence to help me to be myself while
being a missionary.
Sister Jones
Tomorrow I get a new companion out here in Nac-a-no-where! Hopefully
it's not too hard of a culture shock on her!
Jessica: still struggles coming to church. She will be baptized I have
no doubts, it's just a question of when!
Don: is still progressing!
We had zone conferences on Thursday. The Gilmer, Tyler and Longview
zones were combined. Sister Ricks and I gave a training about the new
Christmas initiative coming out soon and how we can help the members
to use it to introduce their friends to us in their homes. We had lots
of fun planning it, we even played Christmas charades at the end!
On Friday we sang for the seniors at the Alzheimer Center with the
Spanish Elders. We all sang together in the bleak midwinter, and I got
to sing Believe from the polar express.
In Ward counsel we were telling the bishop that Ruth and Don are just
roommates and that they are not dating. Our WML said "there's no hanky
panky, just Ruth Stahnke." Then about 10 minutes later we were talking
about families in the Ward that could use some help this Christmas and
we mentioned Ruth and the bishop said he'd rather stick with families
with children and Brother Cox said "we could give her a blanky." We
were all just cracking up as it came out of his mouth so naturally and
without expression!
I just finished memorizing the family proclamation and I am sure those
words that are now imprinted into my brain will be a huge blessing now
and in the coming years!
Hope y'all have a wonderful thanksgiving!
I am grateful to be here out in the country of East Texas! I am
grateful for the humility and patience I have learned here, as well as
how to relax and take life slower! I am grateful for the personality
of Nacogdoches and all the blessed people we work with and love! I am
so thankful for my last three transfers with sister Ricks! She has
been a strong and positive influence to help me to be myself while
being a missionary.
Sister Jones
Monday, November 16, 2015
The FAIRYTALE PRINCESS sings: "I'll fly away"
Hey y'all!
We had exchanges on Wednesday, it was a very interesting day so full of surprises! I was with sister Chenney in Nac, she served in the Colony too! Now she is in Tyler.
We had a lesson with a less active who talks without taking a breath, she lives in a nursing home right now.
Then we went to see Laura, but as we were getting in the car to head over there she called saying she wanted us to come later because she just got to Kroger to grocery shop. We told her we couldn't come later because we were busy. She wanted to see us so badly that day that she told us to just come to Kroger and talk with her there! We had called and asked a member to come to her lesson with us so we called up the member again and we all met at Kroger! We talked to her as we walked down the isles of the grocery store and shared a scripture in the checkout line! It was one of the most unique lessons I have ever had!
Later that night we were eating dinner with the Turner family (we eat with them maybe two or three times a week, whenever no one signs up so we know them well) we love the Turner family so much! Their 13 year old son, Taylor heard about my chubby bunny contest at MLC a few months ago and decided that he could beat my record of 8 jumbo marshmallows. He tried for 9 but couldn't do it! It was hilarious to watch Taylor stuff his face!
Later that same night, Jessica had her interview with President Austin, now president Taylor wants to meet with her! She is struggling with doors being closed in her face and needs prayers for the whole Anderson family!
That was a lot in one day wow!
We started teaching Ruth's friend, Don. Ruth is a less active member, but she came to church Sunday to bring Don for his first time!!! Don's family has misinformed him about the church and really does not like him meeting with us, but he decided to meet with us anyways because he thinks we are "cool people" and he respects the way we live our lives. If we are standing as witnesses of Christ our lives are the message! We are the message, you are the message!
We also started teaching Taylor. He is a student, and is dating one of the members of the YSA. He has a lot of potential! His first lesson was very spiritual.
On Sunday a member couple came up to us ask us to go and visit LA with them that afternoon. The man they were looking for lives in a senior center. We got to the senior center and found his room. We went in and started talking with the man that was there, we sang a song, said a prayer, and shared a scripture. Then sister Ricks and I realized that this is not the right guy! The man we we were talking to had some mental retardation problems so he didn't tell us he was the wrong guy! He was just so happy to have visitors! He asked us to sing "I'll fly away" --a classic Baptist hymn. We found the right guy a minute later and we started the message over. I'm sure the other man just needed a visit as he seemed very lonely!
Sunday night we held a missionary fireside for the YSA, it went super well! We focused on the diversity of gifts and talents that God has given us to use to reach out to others. We thought this would be appropriate since the YSA has a lot of diversity! Cowboys, Hispanics, socialites, Pokemon lover, etc. we had a great turn out! There were about 11 YSA there of maybe 12 active members of the YSA.
Quote of the week: "Thank you. I love you baby girls very much. Like fruit roll ups. Y'all are definitely the sweetest in all the land, said the FAIRYTALE PRINCESS of nice & sweet forever kingdom"
-Laura in response to our offer to help her paint her house
I love y'all more than fruit roll ups!
Sister Jones
Last fall I taught the Bradford boys, Wally, Joseph, and Glen. Sister
Kerr and I were their first missionaries. Their mom was LA of our
church but enjoyed the music from the baptist church more than our
gentler hymns. Since I left, She died and the boys moved to Fort Worth
to live with their sister and were baptized by the elders there! The
boys gave sister Kerr and I a shout-out in their testimonies after
they were baptized! :) they were baptized about a month or two ago but
I was finally tracked down and received the photo!
We had exchanges on Wednesday, it was a very interesting day so full of surprises! I was with sister Chenney in Nac, she served in the Colony too! Now she is in Tyler.
We had a lesson with a less active who talks without taking a breath, she lives in a nursing home right now.
Then we went to see Laura, but as we were getting in the car to head over there she called saying she wanted us to come later because she just got to Kroger to grocery shop. We told her we couldn't come later because we were busy. She wanted to see us so badly that day that she told us to just come to Kroger and talk with her there! We had called and asked a member to come to her lesson with us so we called up the member again and we all met at Kroger! We talked to her as we walked down the isles of the grocery store and shared a scripture in the checkout line! It was one of the most unique lessons I have ever had!
Later that night we were eating dinner with the Turner family (we eat with them maybe two or three times a week, whenever no one signs up so we know them well) we love the Turner family so much! Their 13 year old son, Taylor heard about my chubby bunny contest at MLC a few months ago and decided that he could beat my record of 8 jumbo marshmallows. He tried for 9 but couldn't do it! It was hilarious to watch Taylor stuff his face!
Later that same night, Jessica had her interview with President Austin, now president Taylor wants to meet with her! She is struggling with doors being closed in her face and needs prayers for the whole Anderson family!
That was a lot in one day wow!
We started teaching Ruth's friend, Don. Ruth is a less active member, but she came to church Sunday to bring Don for his first time!!! Don's family has misinformed him about the church and really does not like him meeting with us, but he decided to meet with us anyways because he thinks we are "cool people" and he respects the way we live our lives. If we are standing as witnesses of Christ our lives are the message! We are the message, you are the message!
We also started teaching Taylor. He is a student, and is dating one of the members of the YSA. He has a lot of potential! His first lesson was very spiritual.
On Sunday a member couple came up to us ask us to go and visit LA with them that afternoon. The man they were looking for lives in a senior center. We got to the senior center and found his room. We went in and started talking with the man that was there, we sang a song, said a prayer, and shared a scripture. Then sister Ricks and I realized that this is not the right guy! The man we we were talking to had some mental retardation problems so he didn't tell us he was the wrong guy! He was just so happy to have visitors! He asked us to sing "I'll fly away" --a classic Baptist hymn. We found the right guy a minute later and we started the message over. I'm sure the other man just needed a visit as he seemed very lonely!
Sunday night we held a missionary fireside for the YSA, it went super well! We focused on the diversity of gifts and talents that God has given us to use to reach out to others. We thought this would be appropriate since the YSA has a lot of diversity! Cowboys, Hispanics, socialites, Pokemon lover, etc. we had a great turn out! There were about 11 YSA there of maybe 12 active members of the YSA.
Quote of the week: "Thank you. I love you baby girls very much. Like fruit roll ups. Y'all are definitely the sweetest in all the land, said the FAIRYTALE PRINCESS of nice & sweet forever kingdom"
-Laura in response to our offer to help her paint her house
I love y'all more than fruit roll ups!
Sister Jones
Last fall I taught the Bradford boys, Wally, Joseph, and Glen. Sister
Kerr and I were their first missionaries. Their mom was LA of our
church but enjoyed the music from the baptist church more than our
gentler hymns. Since I left, She died and the boys moved to Fort Worth
to live with their sister and were baptized by the elders there! The
boys gave sister Kerr and I a shout-out in their testimonies after
they were baptized! :) they were baptized about a month or two ago but
I was finally tracked down and received the photo!
Monday, November 9, 2015
If you mustache me, I'd say I gained some weight...
Hey y'all!
This week we went on exchanges with Longview, I got to stay in Nac
with Sister Head! We had fun catching up from when we were in the same
district in Frisco!
We have bonded more with the YSA this week and we also have done lots
of member stop ins and Ward counsel work. We are getting some
referrals! It's so exciting!
We are no longer teaching recent converts or less actives without the
"right" member present so we have been doing a lot of coordinating,
but it's paying off!
Jessica is closer and closer to baptism! We are still working on
church, she has some health obstacles that get in the way. She has
such real intent though! She understands the difference that church
and scripture study and prayer make in her week.
For the next few weeks my ponderizing scripture is actually the Family
Proclamation. I feel that it is very appropriate due to what is all
over the media about the handbook change. I am so grateful for the
strong and supportive family that I have. I am just so immeasurably
blessed to be in the Jones family.
Sister Jones
No-shave November
This week we went on exchanges with Longview, I got to stay in Nac
with Sister Head! We had fun catching up from when we were in the same
district in Frisco!
We have bonded more with the YSA this week and we also have done lots
of member stop ins and Ward counsel work. We are getting some
referrals! It's so exciting!
We are no longer teaching recent converts or less actives without the
"right" member present so we have been doing a lot of coordinating,
but it's paying off!
Jessica is closer and closer to baptism! We are still working on
church, she has some health obstacles that get in the way. She has
such real intent though! She understands the difference that church
and scripture study and prayer make in her week.
For the next few weeks my ponderizing scripture is actually the Family
Proclamation. I feel that it is very appropriate due to what is all
over the media about the handbook change. I am so grateful for the
strong and supportive family that I have. I am just so immeasurably
blessed to be in the Jones family.
Sister Jones
No-shave November
Monday, November 2, 2015
A magical weekend!
Hey y'all!
Sister Ricks and I had a super neat experience! So last Sunday we both
felt lost, we didn't know how to get our one investigator to come to
church or how to find more that we wouldn't have to drop a week later.
We prayer and took the sacrament. We both had a feeling that it is not
something we are supposed to do, it's the members who will get Jessica
to church and find us new investigators! We started doing a bunch of
member stop ins. We started to increase in love, patience, and
appreciation for our members! On Sunday we were practically mobbed in
the hallways of church because all the members and little kids wanted
to say hi and hug us and talk to us! The members have increased love
for us too!!! And then we went to mission leadership counsel on
Tuesday and that was the hot topic of discussion-member and Ward
counsel work! Our mission is so unified! We came up with that focus
for our area and the Lord had that focus for the whole mission! I am
learning to not sweat the numbers, the members are more important
right now :) besides I sweat enough already without worrying about
numbers. We have some solid member referrals coming in soon! The work
will explode as soon as the members catch fire!
We have also been focusing on the YSA. We go to institute and FHE
weekly. On Thursday we did a lemonade stand on the SFA campus in front
of the library with the YSA. It wasn't super successful, but we had
fun and bonded with the YSA. Once we are friends with them, it will
feel more natural for them to introduce their friends to us!
At the lemonade stand some random college student said to me "hello
Jesus, oh sorry, I mean sister Jones" I have never been so honored to
be confused for someone so amazing as Jesus Christ! Ha, well I guess I
do represent him!
We went on exchanges on Friday. I was in Gilmer with sister Whittier.
She is SO sweet and caring!!!! I had a cold that day and she took such
great care of me! She is so sweet! I felt like she was the STL! Our
roles were almost reversed, what a great example of service and love
she is to me! We got to wash dogs for a few hours in the afternoon, I
never thought I'd ever wash a dog in my life! =P but it was surely an
experience to remember.
Friday night was our Ward trunk or treat! We got Charity (our less
active) to go as a Harry Potter character with us! Sister ricks was
slytherine, Charity was ravenclaw, I was from Griffindor, we were just
missing a hufflepuff! It was so fun! The Ward loved our costumes, even
one senior sister in the Ward who thought we were trying to dress up
as elders! I guess the ties and white shirts fooled her! Harry Potter
is a younger generation apparently.
Saturday night we weren't allowed to proselyte from 6 to 9 so we got
together as a zone and had a tri-wizard tournament!!!!!!!!!!! We had
three events and quitdich (excuse my spelling please) to finish it
Hope y'all had a magical Halloween!
Sister Jones
Just missing hufflepuff!
Sister Ricks and I had a super neat experience! So last Sunday we both
felt lost, we didn't know how to get our one investigator to come to
church or how to find more that we wouldn't have to drop a week later.
We prayer and took the sacrament. We both had a feeling that it is not
something we are supposed to do, it's the members who will get Jessica
to church and find us new investigators! We started doing a bunch of
member stop ins. We started to increase in love, patience, and
appreciation for our members! On Sunday we were practically mobbed in
the hallways of church because all the members and little kids wanted
to say hi and hug us and talk to us! The members have increased love
for us too!!! And then we went to mission leadership counsel on
Tuesday and that was the hot topic of discussion-member and Ward
counsel work! Our mission is so unified! We came up with that focus
for our area and the Lord had that focus for the whole mission! I am
learning to not sweat the numbers, the members are more important
right now :) besides I sweat enough already without worrying about
numbers. We have some solid member referrals coming in soon! The work
will explode as soon as the members catch fire!
We have also been focusing on the YSA. We go to institute and FHE
weekly. On Thursday we did a lemonade stand on the SFA campus in front
of the library with the YSA. It wasn't super successful, but we had
fun and bonded with the YSA. Once we are friends with them, it will
feel more natural for them to introduce their friends to us!
At the lemonade stand some random college student said to me "hello
Jesus, oh sorry, I mean sister Jones" I have never been so honored to
be confused for someone so amazing as Jesus Christ! Ha, well I guess I
do represent him!
We went on exchanges on Friday. I was in Gilmer with sister Whittier.
She is SO sweet and caring!!!! I had a cold that day and she took such
great care of me! She is so sweet! I felt like she was the STL! Our
roles were almost reversed, what a great example of service and love
she is to me! We got to wash dogs for a few hours in the afternoon, I
never thought I'd ever wash a dog in my life! =P but it was surely an
experience to remember.
Friday night was our Ward trunk or treat! We got Charity (our less
active) to go as a Harry Potter character with us! Sister ricks was
slytherine, Charity was ravenclaw, I was from Griffindor, we were just
missing a hufflepuff! It was so fun! The Ward loved our costumes, even
one senior sister in the Ward who thought we were trying to dress up
as elders! I guess the ties and white shirts fooled her! Harry Potter
is a younger generation apparently.
Saturday night we weren't allowed to proselyte from 6 to 9 so we got
together as a zone and had a tri-wizard tournament!!!!!!!!!!! We had
three events and quitdich (excuse my spelling please) to finish it
Hope y'all had a magical Halloween!
Sister Jones
Just missing hufflepuff!
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Leadership Training |
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Leadership Training |
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Leadership Training |
Exchanges with Sister Whittier! |
Got this little note on Sunday! =) |
Exchanges with Sister Whittier! |
Exchanges with Sister Whittier! |
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