Hey y'all!
This has been the best and worst week of my mission so far! I said that last week, but this week beats last in both joy and saddness.
Sister Vail has decided to go home to more fully recover. She wasn't able to work this week at all. It is so hard to see her go through so much pain because I love her so much and I just want to take it all away, but only the Savior can do that.
There were other events that created a lot of stress as well, but the miracles of this week were astonishing!
Joshua was baptized on Sunday!!! There were about 15 non-members from his family who attended the service! I was able to sing at it, which was super fun. The open house afterwards was held at his grandmothers house and non-members were able to mingle with the members for a good hour and a half!
Josh has made so much progress in his life. It has been such a priviledge to watch him receive the blessings that come from turning to Christ. The first time we met him, he was going out for a smoke. Now he has such a bright and clear countenance! He has already helped us teach another investigator (Fernie) the plan of salvation, and he helped us teach his grandmother about the restoration! His Grandmother has ordered the Book of Mormon on CD so she can listen to it in the car. She also quite regularily watched BYU TV even though she is Catholic! She has great potential and Josh's example to her has been amazing.
We were also able to go to the temple for endowments and then for proxy baptisms with Brother and Sister Jones for their first time! They were able to find family names to bring with them. The spirit was so strong =)
We also got to teach Bennie again this week. He is the less active who wants help quitting smoking and has a mental disability. We sang I am a Child of God with him and the spirit was so strong. He came to church this week as well.
There have been quite a few thunder and lightning storms here! They are so beautiful! The lightning is HUGE! It is definitely a different experience than Washington storms. =)
I hope that y'all have a great week!
Sister Jones
Baptisms with the Joneses |
Dallas Temple |
Joshua's Baptism |
Little Elm District |
Proxy Baptisms with the Joneses |
Texas Regions |